Premier has no regard for our hospital registrars in training


Premier has no regard for our hospital registrars in training  #qldpol #smoqld #keepourdoctors

Queensland Parliamentary Leader of the Palmer United Party,  Dr Alex Douglas MP  says Premier Campbell Newman has complete disregard for hospital registrars in training and those pursuing advanced training positions in the state’s public hospitals.

“In Parliament this afternoon I asked the Premier if he would guarantee doctors applying for a place in a Royal Australasian College of Surgeons training positions would have accredited training from that date,” Dr Douglas said.

“He may have committed to guaranteeing their jobs, but like everything with Campbell Newman it is unclear.

“When asked a fair, straight-forward question, the Premier launched into a rambling unsolicited diatribe denigrating Clive Palmer.

“Campbell Newman gave gratuitous advice.

“He repeated hearsay false claims published from News Corp-owned papers and claimed Clive Palmer is still running his business because his carbon tax obligations were paid on the due date.

“He then claimed he did not think that they were paid.

“It was a disgraceful performance from the Premier and clearly shows he has no respect for those seeking training positions in Queensland hospitals.”

Source: Alex Douglas