Current contract is detrimental to you personally, and to the Medical profession, and leads us away from our Australian way of Democracy


Current contract is detrimental to you personally, and to the Medical profession, and leads us away from our Australian way of Democracy #qldpol #smoqld #keepourdoctors

To: Senior Medical Officers employed by Queensland Health or for those thinking about working for Queensland Health under contracted conditions.

From: E. John Withers Intellectual Property Manager & Corporate Structures. Director of CLUB of DIAMONDS Pty. Ltd. A/T

Dear Intellectual Property Owners,

Those that have trained at their own expense to become Doctors, own your own Intellectul Intelligence, which has a value known as Intellectual Property.

I read the Qld. Health contract of employment, trying to find a solution to negotiate between the parties, and was hoping to find some common ground.

However besides finding the contract being quite unfair to those expected to sign, I discovered on pages 8 & 9 conditions that could have been written by those that planned the North Korean election, which was won by Kim-Jong-Un.

If you sign away forever, and it says “This clause survives termination of this contract” all your Intellectual Property (IP) rights and Intellectual property, and you will go down in history as one of those that have killled enterprise and invention in your profession.

I implore you not to sign the Contract in it’s present state or with later attachments, as it is detrimental to you personally, and to the Medical profession, and leads us away from our Australian way of Democracy.

The Contract if re drawn needs to be drawn up using Method Study Flow Charts to plot what goes on now, and redrawn, to show the extended effects, with advice fron those working in the system… which is you.

I have letters from Ministers who don’t want a bar of using Method Study, as it could have avoided all the anguish such as the failed Health Pay scheme, and would have formed the basis for a proper contract fair to all parties.

Fortunately the Health system in Western Australia, use Method Study Flow Charts, and invited the entire staff to inspect and suggest aleterations… so the system is produced for the people by the people.

Trust this helps with understanding the issue.

Source: Facebook