Springborg wastes taxpayer funds


Springborg wastes taxpayer funds #qldpol #smoqld #keepourdoctors

Shadow Health Minister, Jo-Ann Miller, says the Newman LNP Government is wasting taxpayers’ funds on full-page newspaper ads instead of solving the hospital crisis it created.

“The ads in today’s newspaper plus a story peddled by the Health Minister about overpayments to some doctors are clearly aimed at painting all hospital specialists as greedy, rip-off merchants,” Mrs Miller said.

“Lawrence Springborg should apologise to doctors and send the bill for the ads to the LNP.

“It has become very clear that the roadblock to solving the dispute over the LNP’s WorkChoices-style employment contracts is the Minister himself.

“It is clear Mr Springborg is more interested in playing politics than solving the crisis of his own making.

“He is smearing the character of all hospital specialists yet when asked directly in State Parliament last week if the handful of doctors under investigation for overpayments had LNP connections he avoided the question.

“Instead of wasting taxpayers’ money trying to smear all hospital doctors he should be sitting down with them and attending their meetings to get a resolution.

“He created the problem and he is failing to fix it. He should go as Health Minister and be replaced by someone who has the interests of Queenslanders and our hospital system at heart,” Mrs Miller said.

SUNDAY, 23 MARCH, 2014