As a Dr and a Queenslander, I am distressed beyond words at the looming crisis in our Public Health system.


As a Dr and a Queenslander, I am distressed beyond words at the looming crisis in our Public Health system.  #qldpol #smoqld #keepourdoctors

There is no doubt that within a few weeks hundreds our our most experienced and committed Public system specialists will be resigning rather than signing the draconian contracts the Newman govt is insisting on.

Those of us who can afford Private Health care need not be complacent because when we and our loved ones are at our sickest or most serious medical need, it is the Public System that takes care of us… ie major trauma, burns, accidents, neonatal and obstetric emergencies, complex oncology cases, acute cardiac care…

The loss of the experience and dedication of the resigning SMOs will leave the younger less experienced doctors without support and backup, and our future generation of doctors( our current med students and registrars) without teachers.

It will also affect critical research work that these doctors perform.

And these doctors WILL resign and the government will replace them with medics currently being recruited from the Indian subcontinent.

In the last two days I have met two doctors who have already resigned from RBWH rather than sign the contracts. One was previously the Director of Trauma and Burns there and the other an Emergency Physician with 20 years of service at ED there.

The loss of these people from our public system is appalling and the government’s lack of respect and appreciation of their talent and our public’s need of them is diabolical. gives a fairly simplistic explanation of the situation but is a good place to start if you are not very informed about the debate and what the issue is about.

PLEASE take an interest and involve yourself in protecting our existing Health System because even with all its faults it is still one of the best and most socially equitable in the world. The Newman alternative is not.

See the link below to contact your own State MP. Because … “It only takes a good man to do nothing, 888888 for injustice to flourish”

Source: Facebook