Letter from Vice President far North Queensland senior medical association to Qld Governor General’s office


Letter from Vice President far North Queensland senior medical association to Qld Governor’s office #qldpol #smoqld #keepourdoctors
Dear Air Commodore Gower,

Thank you for your time in reading and considering this email as I fear the LNP are about to embark on an unprecedented demise of the public health system which has, over many years of hard work by public doctors and front line clinical staff reborn from the Patel/Bundaberg disaster into one of the most efficient public system in Australia, according to a report announced from the AMA.

A significant proportion of specialists who have worked in the public system are honest, diligent, hard working and put patient care and advocacy as our number one priority. Many sacrifices we make, including long hours, multitasking, teaching new doctors, research and a work ethic which is underpinned by a strong will to treat all patients equally, regardless of socio-economic situations. We all appreciate health dollar is not an endless pit of money and strive to run as efficiently as possible.

By working in the public sector our pay is much less than our private colleagues which in itself demonstrates we are not in it for the money, rather a will to treat allcommers.

Unfortunately the current government has decided to totally change the structure of the health system by utilizing a business model which does not apply to medicine. Over the past 6 months radical changes, without our knowledge have taken place which has put us in a predicament which undermines our expertise and converts our clinical autonomy into a system controlled by system managers whose agenda is the dollar.

As you may be aware new contracts for senior medical officers and visiting medical officers are being rolled out. Unfortunately the contracts are directives, enslaving us under a system which is unilateral and controlled by the government. For example they have prematurely terminated our previous contract; MOCA3.

We are now exempt from the queensland industrial relations commission, we can be deployed anywhere within the state with minimal if any consultation, sacked for advocating for patients, sacked for interfering with the profitability of the hospital, placed on unfair rosters. A significant proportion of our wage depends on KPIs we haven’t seen.

The most disturbing aspect is the total lack of regard from the LNP to seriously listen to and implement our concerns. We have been called money hungry, rorters, unionists .
We can’t work under such conditions and all the good will we have given has been destroyed by the LNP who now claim the doctors who leave they can replace. This is no easy task as there is no thousand or so skilled specialists waiting around to be employed. As far as doctors from overseas it can take up to a year to go through the right channels.
I can only see dark and irreparable damage if the LNP go refuse to go back to the table and implement a mutual contract which is all we ask and have so for many months to no avail.
I’m not sure how you can help but the decisions the LNP have made are dangerous.

Your sincerely

Dr Stephen Vincent
Vice President far North Queensland senior medical association

MBBS(Hons, Monash) FRACP
Thoracic and Sleep Physician

Author’s note:

Please disseminate widely as the smear tactics the LNP are using are disgusting
I also suggest writing to the Governor’s office about your concerns

Air Commodore Mark Gower OAM
Official Secretary
Office of the Governor
GPO Box 434