Dr who? The single mysterious letter supporting contracts & Des Houghton


Dr who? The single mysterious letter supporting contracts & Des Houghton #qldpol #smoqld #keepourdoctors

On Thursday, Labor MP for South Brisbane Jackie Trad highlighted a phrase in a letter of support for doctor contracts to the Queensland Health Minister, Lawrence Springborg.

The new contracts would see sweeping changes to working conditions in the public hospital system but have been rejected by the majority of the state’s doctors at multiple rallies.  The doctors have threatened mass resignation if the Newman government does not negotiate on the forced changes.

Springborg had quoted from the anonymous letter earlier in the parliamentary session. In a fiery reply, Trad used an amendment to a government motion endorsing an Auditor-General’s report as justification for the doctor contracts.

It was the line: “who wrote to Health Minister Lawrence Springborg in support of doctor contracts said he worked for Queensland Health for 14 years and saw his pay jump by 300 per cent—while his workload halved.

This matched an earlier piece written by the Courier Mail columnist, Des Houghton.

Trad went on to suggest that Houghton received the letter before the Queensland parliament did. She also highlighted the curious nature that this letter was not signed in contrast to the hundreds of letters sent to the health minister against the  new contracts.

She also referred to another doctor who had given Des Houghton an exclusive on praise for a separate area of government policy and wondered if the two were one in the same.

Source & More info: http://greenshack.info/index.php/blogs/jaded/368-dr-who-the-mysterious-letter-supporting-contracts.html