Health Minister Springborg’s spoonful of law change prescribed to sweeten doctor contract medicine


Health Minister Springborg’s spoonful of law change prescribed to sweeten doctor contract medicine  #qldpol #smoqld #keepourdoctors

HEALTH Minister Lawrence Springborg has made an 11th-hour bid to sway doctors over public hospital contracts by agreeing to legislative changes. 

Mr Springborg told The Courier-Mail last night he would amend the Hospital and Health Boards Act to limit the Director-General’s power to alter individual contracts.

“We are confident the solutions provided to date and this further proposed protection should wholly address doctors’ concerns,” he said.

The move comes ahead of a meeting of medical specialists in Brisbane tonight to discuss his revised offer.

Australian Medical Association federal president Steve Hambleton said the proposed law changes were a strong signal the government wanted to rebuild the relationship with senior doctors.

“It will be up to the doctors whether they’re happy to accept it,” he said.

Dr Hambleton indicated the five-month dispute had resulted in a significant loss of goodwill among senior public hospital doctors for the Newman Government.

He said some doctors had already resigned from Queensland Health and others had reduced their hours in the public sector because of the contracts.

But the Minister yesterday rejected senior medical officers had resigned over the row, saying more doctors than ever were working for Queensland Health.

Mr Springborg’s decision to amend the legislation came as one doctors’ union began sending out pro-forma resignation letters to members ahead of tonight’s meeting at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Australian Salaried Medical Officers’ Federation president Tony Sara said it was not yet clear whether the legislative amendments would “provide the certainty doctors need’’.

“The Government broke its agreement with doctors when it introduced contracts. To turn around now and ask doctors to just trust that it will do the right thing by them and the people of Queensland is something doctors aren’t buying,” Dr Sara said.

Queensland Health officials were yesterday fine-tuning a “solutions document’’ that would become an addendum to the doctor contracts.

The contracts replace a complex payment system with a more simplified remuneration package that better reflects payment for work done.

The government has given some ground, including a dispute resolution process, provisions against sudden roster changes and a pledge that a 12-month review of the contract includes consideration of any financial disadvantage.

Mr Springborg has also given assurances key performance indicators linked to pay would be developed by agreement between senior medical officers and their Hospital and Health Service.

Performance pay will also be guaranteed for 24 months.