Queensland Health Director-General Ian Maynard Doctor contracts update 13 March 2014



Queensland Health Director-General Ian Maynard Doctor contracts update 13 March 2014 #smoqld #keepourdoctors



Since last Friday, I’ve had the opportunity to meet with over 150 of our doctors from across the state and at each of those meetings, the same common issues are being raised where doctors are saying government needs to consider their concerns.

Broadly, those concerns relate to the powers of the Director-General to unilaterally change an agreement, the dismissal and termination conditions within the agreement, the access to binding arbitration following a dispute, concerns about agreement being required for transfers, rostered changes and setting of key performance indicators and concerns about any disadvantage that a doctor may have translating to the new contracts.

I’m confident that I’ve heard these concerns and issues and I’m equally confident that government has solutions and when we’ve tested those solutions in the meetings, broadly doctors agree that they address their concerns. 

As I head into today’s second day of discussion with representatives of our doctors, I’m very confident that we have solutions to those concerns and I’m optimistic that we can conclude these discussions reaching agreement on a way forward.