Doctors’ contracts privatisation by stealth


Doctors’ contracts privatisation by stealth #qldpol #smoqld #keepourdoctors

QUEENSLANDERS could soon see the privatisation of public medical care if the dispute between Queensland Health and Senior Medical Officers (SMOs) is not resolved.

Queensland Nurses’ Union (QNU) Secretary Beth Mohle said it was feared contractual negotiations could have a significant detrimental impact on the provision of public health services if the State Government did not resolve the impasse.

Ms Mohle said the State Government introduction of untenable doctors’ contracts, and a steadfast refusal to properly negotiate and remove offensive aspects of the contracts, could force hundreds of highly qualified doctors to move interstate or into private practice.

She said poor treatment of highly qualified medical specialists could undermine the public health system and result in the privatisation of public health facilities by default. Public facilities at risk include the Royal Brisbane, Women’s and Children’s Hospitals.

“We do not want to see a situation where a crisis is manufactured in order to force Queensland doctors out of the public health system,’’ Ms Mohle said.

“If doctors leave the system there will be less capacity to provide public health care and this could result in privatisation by default.

“That means diminished access to free, quality medical treatment including emergency, paediatric, midwifery and oncology services for Queenslanders.

“That is a very serious issue that should concern residents from all walks of life and political persuasions.’’

Ms Mohle said any issues related to the performance management of doctors were best resolved with the introduction of proper management structures and procedures to ensure accountability and responsiveness. She said untenable individual contracts were not the answer.

“The State Government cull of 1200 nurse and midwife positions has already jeopardised the public health system,’’ Ms Mohle said.

“Forcing doctors out would also put Queensland lives at risk.’’

Source: Queensland Nurses Union