Committee of Presidents of Medical Colleges POSITION STATEMENT on contracts


 Committee of Presidents of Medical Colleges-POSITION STATEMENT on contracts #qldpol #smoqld #keepourdoctors


The Committee of Presidents of Medical Colleges is committed to ensuring the quality and safety of the health system for all Australians.

The Australian community is entitled to expect that medical specialists will be trained to high standards of competence under appropriate supervision to ensure the provision of high quality, safe patient care. The Committee of Presidents of Medical Colleges would view with concern any reduction in senior medical staff numbers and time for supervision, education, and professional development that might negatively impact on the teaching and training of doctors in the health care system and have a flow-on effect to the delivery of quality clinical services.

Whilst not intending to seek input into legitimate industrial negotiations, the Committee of Presidents of Medical Colleges seeks reassurances from Queensland Health that any proposed changes have been carefully evaluated and will be continuously monitored with respect to teaching and training outcomes. Like Queensland Health, the Medical Colleges aim to promote the best possible health outcomes, both in the short term through best practice service delivery and in the longer term through the teaching and training of a high quality medical workforce.

Source:Committee of Presidents of Medical Colleges