Dual resignations are the tip of the iceberg


Media Statement by Shadow Minister for Health – Dual resignations are the tip of the iceberg #qldpol #smoqld #keepourdoctors

The resignations of two top doctors in the past two days over the Newman government’s forced unfair employment contracts will be the first of hundreds if doctors legitimate concerns remain unheard.

Shadow Health Minister Jo-Ann Miller said a Townsville specialist and a Gold Coast orthopaedic surgeon had quit over unfair and unworkable conditions in the contracts in what was surely a sign of things to come in the immediate future.

“These specialist doctors have had the courage to stand up to the government and say enough is enough and tell Queenslanders that these contracts and conditions are not fair, they will not work and they will disadvantage all patients,” Mrs Miller said.

“But it is a tragic set of circumstances for all Queensland hospitals because more and more like them will walk away.

“More than enough time has passed for this arrogant Premier and this arrogant Health Minister to realise they have got it wrong.

“More than enough time has passed for them to realise that they need to listen to the people who work at the coalface who are telling them these contracts and these working conditions are to the detriment of all hospitals and all patients.

“But still they refuse to listen.

“They refuse to acknowledge that their actions have resulted in a stand-off which is not going to be resolved until they actually sit down and have a conversation with the medical profession.

“The end game for Queensland is a situation where specialist doctors walk away in droves.

“The end result for Queensland is a situation where there is a very real potential for our hospital system to grind to a halt as doctors leave it to work in private practice, or go interstate or overseas.

“The contracts they are attempting to force our doctors to sign are outrageous.

“And if they don’t understand that and if they don’t start listening, we will remain on the cusp of a very, very serious situation that takes our health system back to the dark ages.”

Source: Blog for Annastacia Palaszczuk- Leader of the Opposition – Member for Inala