From Queensland Health’s Director General Ian Maynard on contracts


From Queensland Health’s Director General Ian Maynard- Contract meeting update. #qldpol #smoqld #keepourdoctors

From Queensland Health’s Director General Ian Maynard:

Chief Human Resource Officer Lyn Rowland and I met with senior doctor representatives today to begin discussions on contracts for senior medical officers (SMOs).

I’m confident we all left that meeting feeling that discussions had moved in the right direction.

I found that hearing directly from senior doctors over the past week has provided me with a greater level of clarity on their key issues.

The issue of linking key performance indicators with income was also included in discussions today alongside the six issues below that I shared with you last week.

These included the role of the Director-General in contract alterations, dismissal processes, ‘no disadvantage’ provisions, transfers, dispute arbitration and rostering and fatigue.

All parties will meet again on Thursday and Friday this week when discussions will be finalised and a way forward agreed.

I will provide you with an update on these meetings later this week.

Ian Maynard

Source: Qld health Facebook Page