Townsville Doctor resigns over “draconian” contact


Townsville Doctor resigns over “draconian” contact #keepourdoctors #qldpol #smoqld #Townsville

A SENIOR medical officer who was part of Townsville Hospital’s paediatric intensive care team has resigned over Queensland Health’s “draconian” doctor contracts. 

His colleagues have warned the health service will have a hard time replacing him, and more doctors will walk away from the public sector, unless the government ditches the controversial new workplace arrangements.

Paediatric intensive care specialist Nathan Smalley cited concern with the unpopular individual contracts for his resignation from the hospital’s PICU team.

Dr Smalley said it was a ­difficult decision to leave the hospital.

“Deciding between the huge endeavour of moving interstate or staying and facing the future of the draconian contracts was not easy,’’ he said. “We are such a small speciality here and my thoughts have also been with my patients and colleagues left behind.

“I’m not leaving for a permanent job, but I feel it’s going to be more secure than working under the State Government’s proposed individual contracts.”

Keep Our Doctors spokesman and Townsville Hospital senior intensive care specialist Siva Senthuran said he met with Queensland Health in January and warned the department the individual contracts would drive away the few specialists working in Townsville.

“I am saddened to see it coming true,’’ he said.

Dr Senthuran said the hospital would be left with only one full-time paediatric intensive care specialist, and the new contracts would likely make recruitment more difficult for the health service.

“Doctors simply cannot sign a contract that strips away vital conditions like fatigue management and the right to speak up for a patient without fear of being dismissed,’’ he said.

A Townsville Hospital and Health Service spokeswoman said the service was already in discussions with prospective candidates to fill the vacancy.

The Australian Medical Association will renew negotiations with the government over the contracts on Monday.

Source: Townsville Bulletin