Media Statement by Shadow Health Minister-SPRINGBORG FINALLY BACKS DOWN


Media Statement by Shadow Health Minister-SPRINGBORG FINALLY BACKS DOWN #qldpol #smoqld #keepourdoctors

Shadow Health Minister, Jo-Ann Miller, says the humiliating back-down by Lawrence Springborg with the re-opening of negotiations on hospital specialist contracts could have been avoided if the Newman Government actually listened instead of just saying it listens.

“Queenslanders should be appalled at the arrogance the Health Minister and the LNP Government have displayed in the course of this dispute,” Mrs Miller said.

“This arrogance was capped by wild claims from Deputy Premier Jeff Seeney that many of the 900 doctors who attended Wednesday night’s Brisbane protest meeting were fakes.

“This sort of arrogant and divisive approach is what caused the dispute in the first place.

“Mr Springborg previously vowed that negotiations were over and would not be re-opened.

“He has now been forced to backflip in the face of thousands of specialists walking away from our public hospital system because of the Newman Government’s WorkChoices-style employment contracts.

“But even now Mr Springborg is continuing his arrogant approach by pretending the re-opening of negotiations on key parts of the contracts does not mean negotiations have been re-opened.

“The fact is the LNP has to be dragged kicking and screaming into listening to anyone, even specialists who are essential to the running of our hospitals.

“I hope the Minister now actually listens instead of just going through the motions,” Mrs Miller said.

Source: Blog for Annastacia Palaszczuk- Member for Inala