Springborg to hold talks on contracts, but won’t change law


Springborg to hold talks on contracts, but won’t change law #qldpol #smoqld #keepourdoctors

TALKS on six key elements of new contracts with Senior Medical Officers will be held after an emergency meeting between Health Minister Lawrence Springboard and top health officials last night.

However, Mr Springborg has said the Government would not revisit the legislative changes already passed by Parliament.

In a statement this morning, Mr Sprinborg said he welcomed the  “positive exchange with doctors’ representatives” last night.

Mr Springborg and Assistant Minister Dr Chris Davis met AMA President, Dr Steve Hambleton, incoming AMAQ President, Dr Shaun Rudd and Professor John Fraser at Parliament House last night, with Director General Ian Maynard and the Queensland Health HR Chief, Lyn Rowland.

“The meeting agreed that while negotiations on the contract framework are complete, a dialogue on the implementation of six key issues will begin on Monday,” the Minister said.

“These are the basic concerns that are spelt out within the contract framework, but require a full understanding on all sides prior to the implementation of the SMOs contracts on July 7.

“This dialog is about building a relationship with our Senior Medical Officers. We have agreed that as we work to implement the contracts, emergent issues, including any with perverse implications, will be addressed through our new dialogue.

“Importantly, the discussions will be led from the Government side by the Director General and our IR team. We will work with relevant parties to examine each of these key issues; to provide robust protocols and to deliver the necessary protections and reassurance that our senior doctors are seeking.