Queensland SMO contracts update


Queensland SMO contracts update by Dr Steve Hambleton #smoqld #keepourdoctors


Dear colleagues,

Last night I met with the Queensland Minister for Health, Lawrence Springborg, and Assistant Minister for Health, Dr Chris Davis, to discuss the current dispute over unfair Senior Medical Officer (SMO) contracts. Dr Shaun Rudd (AMAQ) and Professor John Fraser also attended the meeting.

The meeting was very productive. Our aim was to convince the Government of the overwhelming concerns that SMOs have with the current contract and to agree on a pathway to satisfactorily resolve these concerns.

We achieved that aim. It is only the first step. But it is a very significant step.

The Minister assured us that he wanted a strong and productive relationship with SMOs and that there should be a fair and just process to resolve our concerns. He committed to a process that will involve the Federal AMA, AMAQ, ASMOF, ASMOFQ, Together Queensland, and other SMO representatives.

The first meeting to achieve ‘real repair’ and a ‘real solution’ will be early next week in Brisbane, and will be led on the Government side by the Director General of Health.

We will work constructively to get a positive result for SMOs and ensure that the public hospital system has an engaged, motivated, and respected medical workforce.

In the interim, you should not feel pressured to immediately sign a contract. You should instead wait to see how this process evolves. We will, of course, keep you informed about developments and any changes in our advice.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Steve Hambleton,
AMA President

For more information call the AMA Queensland contract hotline – 1300 356 155

Source: AMAQ