Mater management owe staff $1 million plus – nurses and midwives vote to act


Mater management owe staff $1 million plus – nurses and midwives vote to act #qldpol #Brisbane #Mater

BRISBANE nurses and midwives have voted to take industrial action against the Mater Hospital which owes them more than $1 million in pay.

Queensland Nurses’ Union (QNU) Secretary Beth Mohle said the QNU had been negotiating with Mater management for two years to have nurses and midwives paid.

Ms Mohle said Mater management had received and withheld millions of taxpayer dollars for nurse and midwife pay increases.

She said the State Government funds were paid to Mater management to meet annual pay increases but were not passed on to the hospital’s 2300 nurses and midwives – some of whom are now owed up to $6000 each. The state’s 32,000 other public health nurses and midwives all received the increases.

“We want the Mater to please pay their nurses and midwives the $1 million-plus they are owed,’’ Ms Mohle said.

“This pay is two years overdue, not two weeks. That’s why our Mater members have voted overwhelmingly to take action in order to get the attention of management.

“We want to negotiate a fair deal while ensuring patients continue to receive high levels of care. We won’t compromise patient care.’’

On February 5 the Far Work Commission (FWC) ruled the QNU had grounds to proceed to a ballot on protected industrial action. The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) oversaw the ballot to allow QNU Mater members to vote on protected industrial action, including possible strike action. The vote was finalised today.

QNU will meet with Mater members to discuss possible action including one-hour stop work meetings in coming days.

Source: Queensland Nurses Union