Doctors in conflict over contracts


Doctors in conflict over contracts #keepourdoctors

A far north Queensland doctor says there will be mass resignations among specialists unless there are major changes to new individualised hospital contracts.

The Australian Medical Association is warning doctors not to sign the new agreements over concerns about degraded conditions and job security.

Dr Anthony Bloch, a senior medical officer and rural generalist at Atherton Hospital says while the local hospital board is trying to allay doctors’ fears, it is ultimately powerless, as Queensland Health can change the contracts without consultation.

“Atherton Hospital is probably one of the leading hospitals in rural generalist training and this hospital is going to be decimated,” he said

“We are at the moment unable to recruit to two positions we desperately need to make our obstetrics roster a more sustainable roster and keep our obstetrics department open.

“If this contract comes in there will be absolutely no chance of recruiting to those positions. These doctors will burn out.”

Senior doctors rejected the State Government imposed contracts at a rally outside the Cairns Hospital last week and asked for local MPs to back them.

The Member for Cairns Gavin King says he has had assurances from the local hospital chairman it will be negotiating policies and procedures with senior doctors moving onto individual contracts.

“He absolutely confirmed that each hospital district or each HHS across the state will have their own negotiations happening now,” he said.

“They will have their own policies and procedures that are negotiated with the senior medical team.

“Certainly in my conversations with doctors in the last couple of weeks they commented on how fantastic the relationship now is.”

“If people sit down and really take an objective view and a realistic view, I mean I have had emails from people saying ‘we will be sacked and we won’t be able to negotiate hours we work’, well that is baloney,” he said.

Dr Anthony Bloch says he will be resigning at the end of the month.

“If Julie Hartley-Jones, who is a very very good CEO and is very concerned about her doctors, leaves after a year, the new CEO can come in and go nup (sic), I didn’t agree to that, all bets are off,” he said.

“So for the Government to say these can all be addressed by local health services is completely incorrect.

“Yes they can do it in good faith but that is all it is, it is good faith and it is not binding.”

The Chairman of the Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Board, Bob Norman says he won’t comment until it finalises contract discussions with the medical staff directly involved.

Source: ABC Local