More than 60% of people polled in both seats also rejected hospital doctors’ WorkChoices-style contracts. #keepourdoctors #qldpol


Shadow Health Minister, Jo-Ann Miller, says opinion polls in two LNP-held seats show voters are not buying the Newman Government’s spin about its management of the state’s health system.

“The Working for Queenslanders polling in the seats of Sandgate and Ipswich West show voters can see through the blatant spin and politically motivated and publicly funded advertising indulged in by the LNP,” Mrs Miller said.

“Those who responded to the polls recognised that the LNP Government’s true record is one of sacking nurses and other health workers; cutting frontline services; and arrogantly forcing hospital doctors to sign WorkChoices-style contracts.


“The polling in both seats showed about 85% of those surveyed believed the state’s health system had not improved or had even got worse under the Newman LNP Government.

“Almost 80% of respondents in both seats also rated the state of our health system as just satisfactory, poor or very poor under the LNP.

“More than 60% of people polled in both seats also rejected the arrogant attempts by the Newman LNP Government to force hospital doctors to sign WorkChoices-style contracts.

“Voters are waking up to the arrogance and self-indulgence of the Newman LNP Government and its plans to Americanise our health system by selling off services and driving down wages and conditions of health workers.”

Mrs Miller said the poll results should not be an excuse for the LNP to dip into taxpayers’ pockets to fund more politically motivated advertising.

“Clearly the regular taxpayer-funded newspaper advertising and series of glossy TV ads designed to promote the LNP have not worked because people know the truth when they see nurses sacked and doctors intimidated,” she said.

“It would be a scandal if the Minister thinks he can turn the polls around by wasting more taxpayers funds through more ads.”

Source:Blog for Annastacia Palaszczuk-Leader of the Opposition- Member for Inala