Doctors rally in Townsville against ‘unfair’ contracts push


Doctors rally in #Townsville against ‘unfair’ contracts push  #keepourdoctors

A rally in Townsville has been told the State Government’s decision to offer individual contracts to senior doctors will harm the Queensland health system.

About 100 doctors and medical staff have rallied outside the Townsville Hospital to protest against new contracts being offered by the State Government.

Townsville doctor Will Cairns says he fears the move will drive staff away from the public health system.

He says doctors consider the contracts to be “unfair and draconian”.

Dr Cairns says a number of specialists at Townsville Hospital are considering their future in the public health system if the contracts are imposed on them.

The Government says the contracts will provide doctors with better working conditions and reward them for working in public hospitals.

The rally is one of several being held across Queensland.

Source: ABC News