Medical Device Commercial Leaders Forum, 7-9 October 2013, Brussels, Belgium



  1. Day 1: Innovative Customer-Centric Commercial Models For Devices
  2. Day 2-3: STREAM 1 – Sales Force Effectiveness for Medical Devices
  3. Day 2-3: STREAM 2 – Multi-Channel & Digital Marketing for Medical Devices

This 3 day event will enable senior commercial, marketing & sales directors form medical devices and technology companies to expand their understanding of customer-centric business models and give their company a competitive edge. On days 2 & 3 of the event, participants will split into two highly-focused streams: 1) Sales Force Effectiveness for Medical devices & 2) Multi-channel & digital marketing for medical devices. These streams will give answers to questions you need to be addressing in terms of how to communicate most effectively with your customers & how to do so in a compliant, value-adding & ROI generating method.

To request the full agenda please follow this link.

For Booking Information contact:
Erika Vavrovicova
Tel: +421 232 660 382
Fax: +421 2 3301 0331
Email: Visit: